Sunday, November 16, 2008

Forwading Chain Mails

It seems that people are replying and forwarding a lot of chain mails. (chain mails are those mails that say forward this and you will get phones, prizes... forward and a poor person will get 3 cents ... etc.)

Please do not do this because those mails are 100% Hoax/ bogus mails. They can't track whether you forward this mail nor Yahoo/Google wont give anything to anyone for forwarding this. Only a originated IP address can be traced back not the forwarded details. Even that is done in very serious situations like threating or false mails about important people/companies. As a IT person I know this for a fact and I even did some digging to be 100% sure.

The only thing you do by forwarding these kind of mails are..

1. Show you that you can be fooled easily :p

2. Give away your e-mail addresses to a chain mail. and later a receiver will get hundreds of forwarded e-mail addresses in the mail. After that they can start spamming and hacking your accounts.

3. Annoy your friends with filling their inbox with these kind of msgs and other spams.

So Guys, Pleas think twice before you fall into these scandals ....

© Rajiev

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